Monday, 13 June 2016


Some parts of this blog are true.

Other parts less so.

One thing that is true is that I’m desperate to defeat PD. And always willing to try something new....even something called restorative yoga.

My wife is a yoga junky: no yoga is too extreme for her, whether late, early, hot, tepid, cold, strenuous or easy. So it came as no surprise that a free trial offer for both of us to give a go to Restorative Yoga hooked her. I was immediately booked in as a slightly resistant triallist. Objections from me included:

· What’s it all about?

· What is it restoring ‘cos nothing’s broken (not that I’m aware of)?

· Wednesday is pub night with the old lags. Some may not last much longer by the look of them, including me. Am I worth restoring?

· How much does a session cost?

Answers: yoga in the dark with cushions, the old lags will get through at least one Wednesday, about £10.00.  That’s less than a round for four in Wetherspoon’s. And it’s easy and you’ll enjoy it. And it’s near the pub for afterwards.

And after all that worrying I really enjoyed being pampered by the yoga woman. One man (me) and five women, all equipment provided, whale mating style music (ommminggg?), semi blacked out so very relaxing, easy positions and propped up with cushions, eyes covered by eucalyptus bags, option to stay in a 10 minute position for 20 minutes if you find one you like. Found a position called the Goddess and it was so comfortable that I just ommed in and drifted into my own private zone. Went to pub and fell asleep.

Verdict? Will definitely try it again.


We discussed, inter alia, Brexit (all six of us are ‘remainers’ though one is a waverer), immigration, Majorca, asparagus v. Rhubarb (asparagus won), builder’s dust, gas main repairs, law courts, play off finals, and beer quality. Note the use of the so-called Oxford comma before ‘and’. All agree that we are not hearing clear arguments from either side!


  1. Hi Peter,
    I thought that today's blog was funny, insightful, informative, and honest, and I've postal-voted-in (for what it's worth).


    Loved today's blog. When is the next yoga session? Count me IN!

